FPSC CSS Result 2014
- Thursday, May 22, 2014, 11:11
- CSS Result, Results
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Islamabad, Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) has already conducted the Central Superior Services competitive exams 2013 for the recruitment of BS-17 officers. FPSC has declared the result of the competitive exams 2013 on Wednesday after three or four months of the exams.
The details of the FPSC competitive exams CSS shows that there were about 11406 candidates appeared in the competitive exams across Pakistan in which only 238 students were passed in the written exams. The viva voce and other test are conducted and only 220 candidates are finally declared successful and were appointed on the post of BS-17. In the successful candidates, there were 161 boy candidates and 59 are the female candidates. The candidates can find the complete details of the result of CCS exams on the website www.result.pk for the information and for the facility of the students.
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