Malaysia Education System


The education system in Malaysia is usually overseen by the two government ministers of Malaysia. The Ministry of Education of Malaysia handles all the pertaining matters that are to pre-schools, primary schools, secondary schools and post secondary schools. All those matters that are regarded to tertiary education are actually dealt by the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia. Although the education system of Malaysia is the responsibility of the federal government but each of the state of Malaysia has its own educational departments that coordinate all type of educational matters in its territory.

The main and the most common legislation that govern education system of Malaysia is the Education Act of 1996. Education in Malaysia can easily be obtained from the multilingual public schools systems of Malaysia which is responsible to provide free education for all the Malaysians, for all private schools or through home schooling system. If you see the law than you will come to know that primary education is very compulsory in Malaysia. As in many other countries of Asia-Pacific that includes Republic of Korea, Japan and Singapore there are many types of standardized tests that are common features.

The education system of Malaysia encompasses all type of education that encompasses from the pre-school to the university, pre-tertiary education system which is pre-school to secondary education. This education system is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education while higher education or tertiary education system is actually the responsibility of the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia. The vision of the Malaysian government is to make Malaysia a centre of the educational excellence.


Read more about Malaysia Education System on the links below:

  1. Primary and Secondary Education System of Malaysia
  2. Post Secondary Education of Malaysia
  3. Tertiary Education System in Malaysia
  4. Government Funded Educational Institutions of Malaysia
  5. Private Funded Educational Institutes of Malaysia


For more information about Study in Malaysia please visit here:

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