AJKU MSc Economics Annual Result 2017
- Saturday, May 20, 2017, 12:10
- AJK University, MSc Result Online, Results, University
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Muzaffarabad, the exams department of Azad Jammu and Kashmir University Muzaffarabad has declared the result of MSc Economics part 1, and 2 for the year 2016. Azad Kashmir University conducted the annual exams few months earlier and after that they started checking of the papers of MSc Economics. Now the names and the roll numbers of the students are announced, who were passed in the exams and the status is also shown in the result details. The candidates can get the detailed information of their AJKU MSc Economics result 2016, which is given with the complete detail and for the convenience of the candidates. The candidates can approach to this page, so that they can get complete detail o their MSc Economics result 2017.