Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Introduction
- Thursday, June 9, 2011, 12:24
- SAT, Test Prep
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The SAT is an aptitude test. Like all aptitude tests, should choose a medium in which to measure intellectual ability. The SAT has chosen math and English.
The question is – does it measure aptitude for college? The SAT’s ability to predict performance in college is just a little better than chance.
No test can measure all aspects of intelligence. Thus any admission test, no matter how well written, is inherently inadequate. Nevertheless, some form of admission testing is necessary. It would be unfair to base acceptance to college solely on grades to be, they can be misleading. For example, it would be fair to allow a student with an A average earned in easy classes over a student with a B average earned in difficult classes? A school’s reputation is too broad a measure to use as admission criteria. Many students find easy classes and generous instructors in hopes of inflating their GPA. Moreover, a system that would monitor the academic standards of each class, the cost prohibitive and stifling. Yes, until a better system is proposed, the admission test is here to stay.
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