Admission in Kinnaird College for Women Fall 2012
- Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 12:20
- Admission Open, Admissions, News
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Kinnaird College is old and highly reputed woman college of Pakistan. There is some struggle for a period of many years on the part of this college resulting in attaining independent status. There are classes being carried out in the college for Master degree including English Literature, Applied Linguistics, Mass Communications, French, English Language Teaching, Environmental Sciences, Science Education, Statistics and Computer Sciences. But M.S in Accounting and Finance and M. Phil in English Literature has been introduced last year. Certain other programs will also be commenced this fall.
Undergraduate Programs: The following 4-years programs offered leading to…
- BA / BS (Hons)
- BBA / BFA / BCS Degrees
Faculty of Arts & Humanities:
- English Literature
- Fine Arts
- Urdu
- English Language & Linguistics
Faculty of Social Science:
- Economics
- International Relations
- Geography
- Political Science
- Psychology
Faculty of Professional Studies:
- Accounting & Finance
- Business Administration
- Media Studies
Faculty of Natural, Formal & Applied Science:
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Zoology
- Computer Science
- Statics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Environmental Science
- Food Science & Human Nutrition
Postgraduate Programs: For candidates with 16 years of education
- M.Phil in Accounting & Finance
- M.Phil in Applied & Linguistics
- M.Phil in English Literature
- M.Phil in Environmental Science
- M.Phil in International Relations
- M.Phil in Media Studies
- M.Phil in Statistics
- M.Phil in Applied Psychology
- M.Phil in Computer Science
- M.Phil in Food Science & Human Nutrition
- MBA / M. Phil in business Administration (Post 16)
- MBA / M. Phil in Business Administration (Post 14)
- Masters in English
- Masters in English Literature
- Masters in Applied Linguistics
- Masters in Education Leadership & Management
Admission Procedure & Deadlines:
Admission forms with prospectus are available at the following branches of Askari Bank, Lahore during banking hours from 10th July to 16th July 2012.
Note: For Aptitude Tests and Interviews schedule, kindly consult the guideline inside the prospectus or visit the website of the college.
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