GCU Offers Admissions in FA/FSc/ICom 2012-2014
- Friday, July 27, 2012, 8:07
- Admission Open, Admissions, News
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Lahore, Admissions have been offered in intermediate classes for the academic session 2012-2014 by GC University Lahore. Admission forms along with prospectus are available at United Bank Limited from July 25, 2012 to August 2, 2012 and can be submitted after filling completely in the same branch of UBL on or before 2nd August 2012. Use more admission form if you want to apply in more than one group/ category. In case of non availability of the form, these can be down loaded from the university website.
The eligibility criteria for the students seeking admissions is, passing matriculation or equivalent exams in Annual 2012 or 2nd annual 2011 and age must not more than 18 years at the time of admission. Admissions on reserved seats for O level/equivalent candidates will be granted after being advertised. Candidates of O level/equivalent apply on the basis of sports/ co-curricular activities should attend the trials with the matric students. As and when IBCC issued certificate then admission will be granted.
To cope with the requirements of the students at FA, BA and MA levels, various departments of Government College University has designed vast range of subjects and flexible study plan.
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