Zoology CSS Past Paper 2012


CSS Zoology Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.

Zoology I

Solve 2 questions from each section. Total of four questions.

Q 1. a : Write an essay on “Protozoa and diseases”
b. What are coral reefs? Give an account of various forms of coral reefs.6
c. Coelenterates show some resemblances with Porifera. Discuss briefly 4

Q2: a Give an account of canal system in sponges.
b. what is adaptation? Briefly discuss parasitic adaptations in platyhelminthes.
c. define the following terms. 4 marks.
1. Polymorphism
2. Metamerism
3. parasitism
4. osmoregulation.

Q3 Describe water vascular system of Echinodermata
b. Give an account of human diseases caused by nematodes.
c. what is conjugation? Briefly discuss its significance

Q4. write short notes on:
1. torsion in gastropods
2. flame cells
3. spicules


Q5 a write an essay on flight adaptations of birds.
b. what is cleavage? Describe its types , with example found in chordates.
c. what are the functions of blood.

Q6. what is placenta? Give its classification in mammals according to the mode of implantation.
b. describe various types of heart found in vertebrates
c.give classification of vertibrate eggs according to the quantity of yolk they contain

Q7 write short notes on

1. uriniferous tubule of a mammal
2. neuron
3. function of skin
4. structure of bone.
Part 1- MCQ(compulsory)

Q1. Select the best option.
i)What is the function of contractile vacuole?
a) Respiration b) reproduction c) osmoregulation d) digestion e) none of these

ii) specules are secreted by special mesenchymal amoebocytes called
a)scleroblasts b)microscleres c)myocytes d)collencytes e) none of these

iii) true nerve cells or ganglion cells occur for the first time in
a) protozoa b) porifera c)coelentrata d)annelida e) none of these

iv)the process by which an organism can replace its lost or damaged body parts is called
a) reformation b) regeneration c)reclamation d)reconstruction e) none of these

v) nematocysts are found in
a) protozoa b)porifera c) annelida d) mollusca e) none of these

vi) in polychaetes the locomotory organ is
a)pseudopodium b) neuropodium c) notopodium d) parapodium e) none of these

vii) worms belonging to phylum platyhelminthes are commonly known as
a)round worms b) ring worms c) segmented worms d) earth worms e) none of these

viii) bipinnaria is the larval form of
a) coelentrata b) polychaeta c) echinodermata d)cestoda e) none of these

ix)closed type of circulatory system is found in
a) platyhelminthes b) annelida c)porifera d) arthropoda e) none of these

x) the two common mosquito genera ,anopheles and culex, can be easily identified by
a)color b) flying speed c)size d) sitting posture e) none of these

xi) sweat glands are epidermal glands found in
a)all birds b) reptiles and mammals c) mammals only d)birds and reptiles e) none of these

xii)sternum is absent in
a) mammals b) birds c)amphibians d)fishes e) none of these

xiii) amphioxus belongs to
a)cephalochordata b) hemichordata c)urochordata d) cyclostoma e) none of these

xiv) the urochordates or tunicates are marine animals commonly known as
a)sea cucumber b)sea squirts c) sea urchin d) sea star e) none of these

xv) optic lobes are found in
a)fore brain b) mid brain c) hind brain d) medulla e) none of these

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