UHS Declares MBBS exam result 2012
- Wednesday, January 2, 2013, 8:25
- News, Results
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Lahore, The result of second professional MBBS annual examination for the year 2012 is declared by the University of Health Sciences Monday on December 31, 2012.
According to the details of the result announced by UHS, about 3086 candidates appeared in the exams of second professional MBBS exams of university and 22 other affiliated medical colleges of the province out of which only 2200 candidates were declared successful in the exams. The result of about 123 candidates will be announced later. The percentage of the successful candidates remains 74.25 percent. Iqra Arshad of Shalamar Medical and Dental College Lahore clinched first position in the competition by securing 862 marks out of 1000 marks. Fatima Khalid of Avicenna Medical College Lahore got second position by obtaining 854 marks and Sadaf Faisal Bhopal of Wah Medical College Wah got third position with 847 marks.
The university administration has instructed the failed students to submit their admission forms with admission fee till January 22, 2013 as the supply exams will be started from February 13, 2013.
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