Do You Know how to Register NAT
- Saturday, February 9, 2013, 11:02
- NAT National Aptitude Test, NTS
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It is required by the candidates that if they want to appear in the respective test as scheduled y NTS then they should register. The process of registration is given below:
First get the registration and bank deposit slip, which is downloadable through online, from the, which is the website of NTS and also daily news papers. Inside the user guide, the form is also available.
In the online branches of MCB, UBL, HBL or ABL, through the prescribed online bank deposit slip, deposit Rs. 650/- (Rupees Six Hundred and Fifty only). You can also see the bank service charges on the deposit slip.
2 photographs (1 x 1.5 inch) should be attached at the front of the registration form.
It is required that photographs with full face exposure should be provided by all candidates.
Along with your registration form, any other documents should not be sent, other than two photos and original bank deposit slip.
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