BISE Mardan Board Matric Result 2013
- Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 5:23
- BISE, bisemdn - Mardan
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Board of Intermediate and Science Education, BISE Mardan, is about to declare Matric result 2013 on 12th June 2013. Students from Mardan board will be able to view their result online at 10 AM in the morning.
Mardan board Matric Result Date: 12 June, 2013
Result on website : 12 June 2013 at 10:00 AM
You can also see your result via SMS:
Girls and boys can use this facility students to see their results through mobile sms.
Create a New Message on your mobile and Type “BISEM RollNo” and send it to 9818 for example “BISEM 120″. After few seconds you will receive sms like:
Roll No: 120
Name: Sonia
To see your result online visit the following links:
Please share your marks and roll number details here to publish online on this page.
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