State Bank of Pakistan merit based scholarships 2015


SBP (Sate Bank of Pakistan) is providing financial support by means of merit based scholarships to the talented and estimable students of its serving or retired or deprived employees, who are following their education at inter, graduate and at post graduate level. There merit based grants for the academic year 2014-2015 are currently obtainable and the application on the given forms are demanding from the serving or emeritus employees also from the children of departed employees of SBP, Karachi for merit based grants to their children.

Salient features of merit based scholarships 2014-15 by SBP

Eligible Employees:

The offspring of employees (serving, retired, and death) equivalent to OG-2 level only are entitled for this merit based scholarship by SBP.

Course level and advised subjects:

(Admission taken during academic year 2014-15)

Intermediate Course:

Inter in science, computer science, economics and Commerce, Diploma of Associate engineering course from any polytechnic institute and information technology from a well known and renowned institute.

Graduate course:

Graduation course in Commerce, science, economics, business, information technology, technical education, public administration, medicine and engineering from a renowned institute

Post graduate course:

Post graduate courses in technical education, business, commerce, economics, Science, public administration, medicine and engineering from a well-known university.

Quota and amount of a scholarship:

Study level:                     Quota:                      Amount: (Rs)

Intermediate 07                            1000 per month

Graduation 04                           1500 per month

Post-graduation No limit                   3000 per month

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