3rd Convocation of PU Gujranwala Campus
- Monday, April 27, 2015, 7:26
- News, University
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The 3rd consecutive convocation was held in the Punjab University Gujranwala Campus. DG PU Gujranwala Campus Prof Dr. Ahsaan Malik, chief guest of the convocation, distributed degrees to 393 graduates and university medals to 6 students for their brilliant performance. Degrees were awarded to 393 passing out graduates of IBA, Commerce, IT and Law departments of session 2009-13.
On that occasion, DG said that PU Gujranwala Campus has organized the 3rd consecutive convocation which is a record in Pakistan. Sadaf Nazeer of MBA, Seemab Hussain of BBA (Hons), Abrar-ul-Hasan of M.Com, Amir Shehzad of B.Com, Komal javed of MSIT and Ahmed Hasan of BSIT were given university medals for their superb performance. Dr. Ahsaan Malik congratulated the students for achieving degrees and appreciated the efforts of university staff members for successful organization of convocation.
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