Boards Online System For 2011
Rawalpindi: According to latest news Punjab province boards has denied the online system in which Board of intermediate and secondary education Rawalpindi is also included. It is due to failure of the online systems that were responsible for form submission for supplementary examinations. They are actually reverted to the oldest manual system so that it will be easy to collect supplementary examination forms for secondary school certificate.
The online system for matric and intermediate examination was been cancelled because from now onwards every board will have its own individual system that will be online. The main purpose to do this is that the centralized online system created many problems. It is announced that with single fee students should submit their supplementary forms. Now the submission of form fees is single on August 22 and is double for August 29 and is triple on September 7.
The board has now announced the exact date for the submission of forms but the problem is that there are more then 600 students that are still waiting for their results and are daily visiting the office. The official spokesman of RBISE Arsalan Cheema said that they are issuing the results to only those students that are approaching them. He added that the board is also trying the best to announce the results as soon as possible but there are many problems. Still there are more then 400 students whose results are being announced.
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i have not found the rol no slip of suplimentery paper