Documents for Canadian Applicants to Study in Norway


It is must that all the Canadian applicants must submit their application to the Norwegian Foreign Mission in the Canada and it is must that they should submit their application in person. All the applications that are sent by mail or by email will not be entertained and in some cases applicants expects that they should call for an interview but it won’t happen. The processing fee for the Norwegian application is approximately US$ 180 for every application that is submitted in the Norwegian Foreign Mission. Because of the local administrative conditions and exchange rates the fee may vary.

All international students when apply for the student permit than they need to submit following documents that are

  • Students have to submit an application form for the students residence permit with a passport size photograph.
  • Students have to submit a copy of their passports.
  • Students have to submit all the documents of the admission to any approved educational institution. The letter of the acceptance that is obtained from the institution which must contain the following documents that are:-

1.      Name of the applicant.

2.      Name of the institution.

3.      Types of courses and programs in which student has been admitted.

4.      Course or program duration. (You should know that program or course program must be of full time and also approved for the financial support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Funds.

  • Students have to submit a form which is filled correctly and should stat the progress of all your studies.
  • Students have to submit housing documents that includes lease copy for the house, room or apartment which is issued by the company or private person. All the rooms and apartments that are provided by the institution’s own Student Housing Organization need to be documented with the lease copy that you submit.
  • If you plan to attend any program or course in any of those institutions that has tuition fees than it is must that you should also provide a document which shows that you have enough funds to finance you studies in Norway. According to the rules of Directorate of Immigration of Norway students have to deposit their money in the Norwegian bank account and this account should be on the name of applicant.

All students should note that the requirements of the documents always vary from country to country and are changed continuously.


For more information about Study in Norway please visit here:

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