UoP Public Defence of Mr. Syed Zahid Shah, a Ph.D. Research Scholar
- Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 5:45
- News, Peshawer University, University
- 1 comment
University of Peshawar Public Defence of Mr. Syed Zahid Shah, a Ph.D. Research Scholar.
Mr. Syed Zahid Shah, a Ph.D. Research Scholar has submitted her thesis on “Prophyroblast Inclusion Trails: A new Reference frame for Structural and Metamorphic Correlation in the Pakistan Himalya” to the University of Peshawar.
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Geology, the Oral Examination (Public Defence) is scheduled to be held on 12th January, 2011 at 11:00 a.m in the NCE Geology, University of Peshawar.
The abstract of the thesis.
Click for the following link:
All those having interest in the said research work are codially invited to attend the occasion. The participants would be entitled to raise relevant questions soon after the presentation of the scholar, for further judgment and evaluation of the examiners.
Controller of Examinations
University of Peshawar
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Great Zahid Uncle love u alot congratulation on your success from all family.