Merit List

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PU Department of French Merit List 2013

Department of French has been working in the University of the Punjab since 1951. French language has wide and meaningful scope to speak language and learn knowledge from it. This department offers various level courses to have grasp over this language. It has great importance because it is also included in the official languages of United Nations. Here you can see Punjab University merit list 2013 ... Full story

PU Department of English Language & Literature Merit List 2013

Punjab University has set up this department for the students who want to get admission in the English Language and Literature. The students want to make their English proficient so they prefer to get admission in the English department and learn about English Literature. Here you can see Punjab University merit list 2013 for Department of English Language & Literature: Full story

PU Department of Economics Merit List 2013

This department was established in 1919 with the objective to promote education standard and extend education facilities to most of the people. In this department, education is provided to the students in various disciplines and makes them proficient in different disciplines. The admissions are granted to the students and the degrees awarded by the university have greater value. Here you can see Punjab University merit list ... Full story

PU Department of Commerce (Jhelum Campus) Merit List 2013

This department at the Jhelum campus started working recently but education will be provided to the students of this less privileged area. The students will get admission in different fields of commerce like B.Com, M.Com and other disciplines. This campus will provide high quality of education and training to the students so that they may be able to compete in the market. Here you can see ... Full story

PU Department of Commerce (Gujranwala Campus) Merit List 2013

The Department of Commerce has started working recently but it will also provide quality of education to the students in the commerce field. The local and surrounding area  people will feel comfort to get education and raise their standard of life. This campus will offer admissions in different levels like B.Com, M.Com, ACCA, CA and many more. Here you can see Punjab University merit list 2013 ... Full story

PU Department of Business Administration (Jhelum Campus) Merit List 2013

Jhelum Campus of University of the Punjab started this program in the Business Administration field to the students living in these areas. Although this campus is newly built but it will show great progress as most of the students want to get admission in this high ranked university and take benefit from it. Here you can see Punjab University merit list 2013 for Department of Business ... Full story

PU Department of Business Administration (Gujranwala Campus) Merit List 2013

This department has been established at Gujranwala campus with the view to provide quality of education in the business administration field. This department is giving education in different levels including BS, MS and higher level with different time period. This department has also started the morning and evening session so that maximum students can get benefit of these disciplines. Here you can see Punjab University merit ... Full story

PU Department of Botany Merit List 2013

The Department of Botany was established during 1924 and this University provides education at different levels like MS, MPhil and PhD to the students. This department conducts education and research work in the plant kingdom. This department has shown remarkable progress in the research work in the plants and their studies. Here you can see Punjab University merit list 2013 for Department of Botany: Full story

PU Department of Archaeology Merit List 2013

University provides quality of education of the past civilization and culture. The students in this field get education of the remains of human beings, their jewelry, gems and their way of living. The department provides quality of education to the students at different levels including various programs. Here you can see Punjab University merit list 2013 for Department of Archaeology: Full story

PU Department of Arabic Merit List 2013

Department of Arabic set up in 1870 and it provides education in the Arabic language. This department offers education to the students in different disciplines with quality of education as it has the highly educated faculty staff. Various foreign scholars have also completed their education from this department also. Here you can see Punjab University merit list 2013 for Department of Arabic: Full story
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