AJKU M.Com Part IV (Final) Result 2016
- Friday, March 18, 2016, 6:45
- AJK University, M.com Result Online, Master Result, Results, University
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University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir has declared the M.Com Part IV autumn exams result 2014. The students, who appeared in the exams of M.Com final year, they are waiting for the announcement of the result anxiously and now they are getting their annual exam result, which will also be uploaded on the site, with the relevant information and convenience of the candidates. According to the detail of the result of M.Com class, there are about 32 students, who appeared in the exams in which 10 students are passed and 5 students are failed in the exams. The exams department of AJK University has declared that the result of 17 students is late, which will be announced later.
Result here
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