BA/BSc Supplementary Date Sheet 2012 Malakand University
- Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 9:54
- Bachelors Date Sheet, Date Sheet, News, University
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Malakand University announced the BA/BSc supplementary exams 2012 and invited exams applications from the candidates who are interested for appearing in the exams. The University demanded copies of domicile certificates, National Identity Card, three passport size photos and the last DMC for appearing in the exams. According to the details, the supplementary exams of BA/BSc classes will start from November 22, 2012.
The university also made it clear that all such exams applications received after due date will not be considered and they also returned the incomplete examinations forms with observations to clear them and then submit the forms to the University duly completed. The University also announced that the fee received in shape of money order, bank draft, or through cross cheque will not be accepted and the forms will be stand cancelled. The students, who failed in one or two papers in different parts, should apply for the papers with separate forms.
The University administration has already forwarded the roll number slips and date sheets to the students on their mailing addresses contained in their admission forms. The students who do not receive the date sheet or roll number slips then they should contact with the main office of the university or download their document from the website of the university.
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