Bahawalpur Board PEC 8th Class Result 2016
- Thursday, March 17, 2016, 12:29
- PEC - Punjab Examination Commission
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Bahawalpur is an important district of southern Punjab while thousands of students of public and private schools of Bahawalpur participated in the PEC grade 8 annual exams 2016 that were held from February 10 to 17, 2016. The papers of Islamiyat, Science, Math, Urdu and English were taken by PEC during these exams while the students have to take 25 marks in each paper to pass. Now PEC will announce the results of 8th class annual exams 2016 on 31st March 2016. PEC will upload the results at its official site for students soon after the result announcement while the students can also view their results through SMS.
You can check your 8th class result from given below links.
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