Balochistan BoaBalochistan Board 8th Class Result 2016rd 8th Class Result 2016
- Monday, February 29, 2016, 7:14
- bitqta - Quetta, Results
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Balochistan Examination & Assessment Commission (BEAC) has announced the results of middle level exams in the cold areas of Balochistan and the passing percentage remained 59%. According to details, total 23610 students from 22 districts of Balochistan participated in the exams out of which 13886 achieved success. According to results, the first 3 positions are acquired by the following students:
Position | Name | Roll No | School | Marks Obtained |
1st | Samreen d/o Abdul Hannan | 66147 | Govt. Girls High School, Quetta Cantt | 448 |
2nd | Syed Daood Shah s/o Ahmed Shah | 72604 | Govt. Boys High School, Lohar Karez Quetta | 432 |
3rd | Alia Batool d/o Dawlat Hussain | 66821 | Govt. Girls High School, Sardar Esa Khan | 431 |
According to CEO BEAC, these exams were held under the commission that was established by Balochistan Govt. and all the papers of the exams were according to the syllabus. He told that the exams in warm districts will also be held under this commission while private schools will also conduct exams under this commission from next year. After exams, the commission will issue certificates to the successful candidates and these certificates will be necessary for registration in Balochistan Board.
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