BIEK FA FSC Supply Exams Schedule 2013
- Thursday, September 26, 2013, 9:00
- Admissions, BIEK Karachi
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For supply exams for several programs of intermediate, the form submission schedule has been declared by BIEK on Wednesday.
The students of intermediate pre-medical, pre-engineering, home economics, general science groups and division improvement students are invited to submit the application forms.
Controller Examination BIEK notified that regular students can obtain their forms from their respective institutes while private candidates can submit their examination forms with single fee from 26th Sep to 21st Oct, 2013.
With late fees of Rs. 200, the board will receive till from 22nd to 31st Oct, with 500 late fees, from 1st to 11th Nov and with 1000 late fee from 12th to 20th Nov.
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