BISE Malakand Roll No Slips For FA/ FSC Annual Exams 2016
- Tuesday, April 19, 2016, 11:07
- BISE, BISE Malakand, Roll No. Slips
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Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Malakand has uploaded the roll no slips for all the participants of intermediate part 1 & 2 annual exams 2016. Now all the concerned private and regular students can view their roll no slips while BISE Malakand will also soon dispatch the roll no slips to the regular and private students at their registered institute or mentioned address respectively. Apart from roll no slips, the complete date sheet of FA/ FSC part 1 & 2 annual exams 2016 will also be issued by the board soon as these intermediate level exams will start in coming weeks.
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