BISE Mirpur Khas Inter Exams Result 2016 Stats
- Saturday, August 27, 2016, 7:17
- BISE, bisemirpurkhas
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Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Mirpur Khas has announced the results of 12th class annual exams 2016 for pre medical, pre engineering and science general group. According to details of pre engineering group, Khaqan Baig s/o Afaq Baig took 1st position with 944 marks, Rajkumar s/o Pretum Kumar took 2nd position with 928 marks while Anand Kumar s/o Ranumil took 3rd position with 927 marks. Passing percentage in the exams remained 84.68%.
In pre medical exams, Shaheen Nawaz d/o Shah Nawaz took 1st position with 946 marks, Farooq Sattar s/o Abdul Sattar achieved 2nd position with 944 marks while Ganesh Kumar s/o Dewaan Das took 3rd position with 943 marks. Passing percentage in pre medical group remained 88.64%.
In science general group, total 157 students appeared and the passing percentage remained 91%. More than 19,000 students appeared in overall exams.
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