BISE Multan issues HSSC Part II Model Papers 2017
- Friday, February 17, 2017, 7:01
- BISE, BISE Multan, Intermediate Model Papers, Model Papers
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Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Multan has issued the model papers of HSSC part 1 & 2. Multan Board has uploaded the model papers of 11th and 12th class for the subjects of Banking, Biology, Business Math and Business Stats, Chemistry, Civics, Commerce, Commercial Geography, Commuter Science, Computer Studies, Economics, Education, English (Compulsory & Elective), Fine Arts, History (Islam, Muslim India and Pakistan), Islamiyat (compulsory and elective), Mathematics, Music, Pakistan Studies, Persian, Philosophy, Physics, principles of Accounting, Punjabi, Sociology and Urdu (advance and compulsory).
Check Model Papers here: