BISE Rawalpindi Examination Instructions
- Monday, June 13, 2011, 9:41
- BISERWP - BISE Rawalpindi
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Kinds of Candidates Appearing in the Examination | ![]() |
Regular Students | |
Registration of Regular Students | |
Private Students | |
Registration of Private Students | |
Selection of Exam Centres | |
How to Appear in the Exams | |
Roll No. Slip | |
Loss of Roll No. Slip | |
Instructions for Examination Centre | |
Procedure for Taking 9th Class Examination | |
Instructions for Solving Objective Papers | |
Instructions for Solving Papers | |
Instructions for Practical Exams | |
Candidates Appearing in Languages Exams (Aloom-e-sharqia) | |
C.T/O.T/D.M Examination | |
Eligibility for Regular Candidates | |
Constitution of Examination Centre | |
Procedure to be Followed for Becoming Superintend /D.S, Invigilator Head/Sub Examiner, Paper Setter etc. |
Kinds of Candidates Appearing in the Examination
Only two kinds of girls or boys are eligible.
- Regular Students
- Private Students
Regular Students
Candidates admitted in the recognized institutions of the Board according to the rule and regulations of the Board are the regular candidates.
Registration of Regular Students
Students are registered with the Board according to its schedule. Such students cannot take exam. as regular students without registration. The responsibility of getting students registered lies with the head of the institution concerned.
Private Students
All students who are not regular students under jurisdiction of the Board are called private students.
Registration of Private Students
The Student candidates who are appearing for the first as private candidates time will deposit registration fee along with the admission fee of the examination.
Selection of Exam Centres
Private students should mention the Examination center, which is within the radius of 6 KM of their residence. They should also get their admission form signed by the head of a recognized institution of the Board the radius of in 6 KM of their residence.
Regular Students: Regular students of SSC will send their admission forms through head of institution concerned. The Roll No. Slip, Result Card and certificate will be sent to the institution concerned and further correspondence should be done through the head of the institution concerned.
Private Students: Private students residing in the jurisdiction of Rawalpindi Board can obtain admission forms the authorized branches of Habib Bank Ltd. They should be careful while filling up the forms and may get it checked from a teacher or a head of the institution. They should deposit the admission form duly attested as per rules by hand or send through registered post after affixing fee receipt.
Roll No. Slip
For obtaining duplicate Roll No. Slip receipt of depositing admission form or receipt of post office should be brought 4 days before the commencement of examination.
Loss of Roll No. Slip
Duplicate Roll No. Slip can be obtained by applying along with bank receipt of Rs.100/-. Regular students should apply through the head of institution concerned along with bank receipt of Rs.100/-.
Instructions for Examination Centre
- Don’t forget to bring your stationery.
- Smoking is prohibited in the examination hall.
- Mobile phone, numeric computer and objectionable material is not allowed.
- Students coming late by 30minuts can conditionally be allowed to take the exam. and his answer sheet will be dispatched conditionally to the Board and the Board reserves the right entertain it or not.
- In case of an accident or any other emergency the student should contact the nearest examination center. The Superintendent can conditionally allow him to take paper but decision of the Board shall be final.
- In examination center get guidance from the staff on duty and follow their direction.
Procedure for Taking 9th Class Examination
- Every question starts with the Sign.
- Answer to objective question should be returned on objective papers.
- A separate answer sheet is provided for subjective papers.
- Last 2 pages of answer sheets can be used for rough work.
- Extra sheet will be provided on demand.
Instructions for Solving Objective Papers
- Four possible answers are given. Put a circle around correct one. For completing a question the proper word or letter should be written in blank portion. Matching question: Answer to A and B should be written under C.
- Short answer to the question should be written in the given space.
- Colored markers are not allowed in objective papers.
- Cutting or erasing will be considered as wrong.
Instructions for Solving Papers
- Learning on the marked portion write on both pages.
- Write your Roll no on answer book only on the specified portion.
- Do not mark any margin or identification.
- Neither tears up any portion of the answer sheet nor use ink remover.
- Do not write the name of institution, district, private or regular candidate.
- Hand over your answer sheet to the Superintendent before leaving examination centre.
- Use only one answer sheet. Extra sheet can be used if needed.
- Do not write your Roll No. on answer sheet or extra sheet.
- Students not abiding by instructions will be responsible for their own loss.
Instructions for Practical Exams
- Write on both sides of the leaf learning out the marked portion.
- Do not write Roll No. on any other page except the prescribed portion.
- Neither tear up the paper nor use ink remover or identification mark.
- Neither writes name of district, town nor indicate identification of private or regular candidate.
- Before leaving exam centre hand over the answer sheet to the staff on duty.
- Use only one answer sheet. If needed extra sheet can be provided.
- Do not write Roll No. on answer sheet or extra sheet with ball point or marker.
- Candidates not abiding by their instructions will be responsible for any loss.
Candidates Appearing in Languages Exams (Aloom-e-sharqia)
Examination of Adeeb Alim and Fazal are included in these examinations. Their admission forms are received according to the schedule of Intermediate Examination. The procedure of their attestation is the same as in the case of SSC Examination. For Alim and Fazal Examinations, a candidate must have passed his SSC Examination.
C.T/O.T/D.M Examination
Candidates for C.T/O.T/D.M can appear once a year with Intermediate supplementary Examination.
Eligibility for Regular Candidates
The conditions for eligibility in this examination are the same as prescribed for the Intermediate Examination. Their admission form is submitted through the institution concerned. In-service teacher desirous of appearing in C.T/O.T/D.M examination as private candidates, can purchase admission forms from the nominated branches of HBL. All the particulars required in the admission form are to filled in and furnished completely. Teacher serving in the jurisdiction of BISE, Rawalpindi is eligible to appear as private candidate. Such candidate must have passed their Intermediate or Fazal Exams at least one year prior to his C.T or O.T Exams. He must also posses minimum teaching experience of 9 months. Verification of Service Book and the pay register is their responsibility. Admission forms must reach the office in time duly countersigned by the D.E.O and the D.D.O concerned.
It is obligatory upon the candidates, Parents, the heads of the institutions and the general Public to have full knowledge of rules and regulations of the examination concerned. However, it should be kept in mind that the detailed rules in this regard must be attainted.
Constitution of Examination Center
The head of an institution interested in getting the institution constituted as a center for Board examinations shall apply on prescribed performa fulfilling the conditions laid down in the rules and regulations.
Procedure to be Followed for Becoming Superintend /D.S, Invigilator Head/Sub Examiner, Paper Setter etc.
Prescribed forms for every assignment are available in the Board office. An application for desired assignment must be submitted duly attested by the head of the institution concerned where he is posted at least three to four months before the commencement of an examination.
It must be noted carefully that particulars of the applicants are sent to sensitive agencies for clearance. An appointment is made only after the name of applicant has been cleared by these agencies.
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