BISE Sargodha Matric Supply Exams Schedule 2015
- Friday, July 31, 2015, 6:42
- BISE Sargodha
- 1 comment
Sargodha, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Sargodha issues matric class supply exams schedule for the year 2015. BISE Sargodha announces the complete schedule of matric class supply exams in the attached schools and the students, who failed in the annual exams of SSC class, they can send their application forms to appear in the exams. According to the BISE Sargodha Matric supply exams schedule, the students can send their application forms with the normal fee till last date of 07 August 2015. The candidates can send their application forms with the double fee till 17 August and with the triple fee till 20 august. The students should keep in their minds that matric class supply exams will be started from 08 September.
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