BISEMALAKAND Biology New Course
- Monday, June 20, 2011, 9:29
- BISE, BISE Malakand
It is notified for the information of all concerned that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Textbook Board Peshawar vide their letters No. E-P/21-11/Vol-III (E&P)3345-79, dated 13/01/2011, has developed the new textbook “Biology for Grade-IX (9th)” based on new National Curriculum 2006 and will be introduced for the Academic Session 2012-13 (Commencing from March 2012) and “Biology for Grade-X (10th)” will be introduced in the schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from the Academic session 2013-14.
The students of the province who are promoted from class 8thto 9thin 2012 will be taught the new course of Biology 9thwhereas, the promoted students from 9thto 10thwill read the old course in the same session.
The books developed by Punjab Textbook Board may not be adopted at this stage.
In addition, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Text Book Board, Peshawar has adopted the New National Curriculum 2006 in the subjects of Mathematics, Science, Languages and Social Sciences from class I-XII. Textbooks are being developed in three phases and in its 1stPhase, the following textbooks have been developed for the academic session 2011-12.
1. English-1st 2. Urdu Qaida-KG
3. Urdu-1st 4. Maths-1st
5. General Knowledge-1stin lieu of General Science-1st
6. General Science-4th 7. Social Study-4th
8. General Science-6th
9. History-6thin lieu of Social Study-6th 11. Computer Science-6th
10. Geography-6th 12. Urdu-6th
Whereas, the rest of textbooks in the subjects of Maths, Science and Languages for Grade-1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th& 11thdeveloped or being developed will be introduced in the academic session 2012-13.
Therefore, any Textbooks developed by Punjab Textbook Board or other publishers of the Punjab Board may not be adopted in the schools & colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
B.I.S.E. Malakand
Endst No 914 /Acad/BISE-Mkd Dated: 10/03/2011
Copy to:
- The PS to Minister for Elementary & Secondary Education Govt: of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
- The Secretary (E&SE) Deptt: Govt: of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
- The Chairmen, BISEs Peshawar/Kohat/Abbottabad/Swat/Bannu/D.I.Khan & Mardan.
- Chairman Text Book Board Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
- EDOs (E&SE) i. Dir (L) ii. Dir upper iii. Malakand & iv. Agency Education Officer Bajaur Agency for further necessary action.
- Mr. Rashid Khan Painda Khel, Program Co-ordinator (FTB), (E&SE) Deptt: Govt: of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
- The Controller of Examination, BISE Malakand.
- All registered Schools and concerned Colleges with in the jurisdiction of BISE Malakand for compliance.
- All local Newspapers.
- PS to Chairman, BISE Malakand.
Fida Jan
Assistant Secretary
B.I.S.E. Malakand.
About the Author
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Class 9th note will be prefare after 1 month.if any need it then email me.
Only biology.
biolgy simpal nots for class 9th new cource