Note : The Word imparting masculine gender shall be taken to include females; and word in singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
1. Commencement of Examination.
(1) The Primary Teaching Certificate, Certificate in Teaching, Oriental Teacher and Art & Crafts (DM) Examinations shall be held Annually on such dates and places as may be fixed by the Chairman and shall be open to regular as well as in service and such other candidates as may be specifically permitted under the Rules. The nomenclature of the Examinations shall be as under:-
(i) Primary Teaching Certificate (Annual) Examination. Primary Teaching Certificate (Supplementary) Examination.
(ii) Certificate in Teaching (Annual) Examination. Certificate in Teaching (Supplementary) Examination.
(iii) Oriental Teacher (Annual) Examination. Orient
(iv) Art & Crafts (Annual) Examination. Art & Crafts (Supplementary) Examination.
2. Conditions of Eligibility for Regular Candidates..
In order to be eligible to appear in the PTC, CT, OT, ART, & Crafts (DM) Examinations, a regular candidate must have:
(1) Passed, not less than one year previously,
(i) The secondary School Certificate Examination in case of PTC Examination;
(ii) The Secondary School Certificate Examination with Drawing as one of the subject, in case of Art & Crafts Examinations;
(iii) The Intermediate Examination in the case of C.T. Examination;
(iv) The Secondary School Certificate & Fazil Examinations in the case of O.T. Examination. Provided that in case of a candidate who passed the Secondary School Certificate, Intermediate and Fazil Examinations by re-appearing in the failing subject/s, the period of one year shall be counted from the year in which he was permitted to re-appear.
(2) Been enrolled in an Institution for at least 39 weeks of the year preceding the Examination.
(3) Paid the prescribed enrolment and sports fee to the Board at the time to his admission to the Institution.
(4) Affixed three copies of his recent photograph (in case of male candidate) and thumb impression (in case of female candidate) duly signed by him/her and attested by the person who signs the certificates mentioned in the Rules.
Note:- Female candidates are required to keep their photographs in the examination centre duly attested by the authority who attested their admission forms for proper identification.-
(5) submitted his/her admission forms and the prescribed fee to the office of the Board through the Head of his/her Institution by such dates as may be fixed by the Chairman, together with the following certificates signed by the Head of the Institution,
(i) of possessing good moral character;
(ii) (a) of having attended not less than 75% of the total number of lecture delivered in each of the subject taken up for study;
(b) of having performed at least at least 75% of the total number of practical prescribed for each subject of study a component of which comprises practical work.
(iii) (a) of having devoted during the 39 academic weeks preceding the Examination;
(b) at least 30 hours to physical exercise.
(c) at least 36 hours to manual works and Civil Defence.
(iii) of having satisfactorily performed the work of the class and the home task during his stay in the class.
(iv) Of having satisfactorily performed the work of the class and the home task during his stay in
the class.
3. Record of student performance.
The Heads of Institutions will keep proper record of attendance, class assignments home task, manual work and Civil Defence training referred to in Rule 2(5) and proper record of the individual candidate as required under internal testing system. Accordingly, they will also maintain proper record of the marks obtained by students in the periodic tests held during the course of studies. They shall submit subject-wise marks obtained by the students on the award lists supplied by the Board just after the termination of the Board examination.
4. Counting of Lectures.
(2) The lectures shall ordinarily be counted from the beginning of the class upto the 14th day before the commencement of the examination.
(3) A candidate who gets admission late, his lectures periods shall be counted from the beginning of the academic session. If a candidate whose result of S.S.C, Intermediate, Fazil Examination is declared late, his lectures/periods shall be counted from the 10th day after the publication of result or his joining the institution whichever is earlier.
(4) If a candidate is short of the required number of lectures/practicals at the time of submission of his admission forms and fees to the Board but is likely to make up the shortage in due course of time. The Head of the Institution may send up his admission form and fees provisionally to the Board subject to confirmation when the candidate actually makes up the shortage. In case the candidate is unable to make up the shortage, upto the 14th day before the commencement of the Examination, the candidate becomes ineligible for the examination. The Head of the institution shall withdraw his candidature by writing to the Controller of Examinations not later than the 10th day before the commencement of the Examination, under registered cover failing which the admission fee will not be refunded.
(5) If a candidate is not short of the required number of lectures/practicals at the time of submission of his admission form and fees to the Board but subsequently falls short of the required percentage, the Head of the Institution shall withdraw the candidature by writing to the Controller of Examinations not later than the 10th day before the commencement of the Examination as defined under Rule 4 (3).
5. Condonation of shortage of lectures/practicals.
(a) No deficiency in attendance will be condoned . However, in case of a candidate who has been officially sent to take part in duly authorized Inter-Institutional/Inter-Board/Inter provincial or national activities, the lectures/practicals delivered/held during that period will not be counted towards the total number of lectures/practicals delivered/held for the purpose of calculating the prescribed percentage of lectures/practicals attended.
(b) A candidate whose deficiency in not made up, he shall not be permitted to appear in the Supplementary Examination unless, he makes up the deficiency before the Supplementary Examination.
6. Withdrawal of candidature.
The Head of Institution may withdraw the candidature in accordance with the Rule prescribed in the Board’s Calendar Chapter XII.
7. Conditions of eligibility for in-service candidates
(1) In order to be eligible to appear in the PTC., CT., OT., Art & Crafts(DM) Examinations, an in-service candidate must have passed, not less than one year previously:
(i) the SSC Examination in the case of PTC Examination;
(ii) the SSC Examination with Drawing as one of the subjects in the case of Art & Crafts (DM) Examinations;
(iii) the Intermediate Examination in the case of CT Examination;
(iv) the SSC & Fazil Examination in the case of OT Examination.
Provided that in case of a candidate who passed the Secondary School Certificate. Intermediate and Fazil Examination by re-appearing in the failing subject/s, the period of one year shall be counted from the year in which he was permitted to re-appear.
(2) Submitted his admission form and the prescribed fee
to the Board by such dates as may be fixed by the Chairman together with the following certificates signed by the authorized person.
(i) of being in service continuous for at-least nine months (upto the last date fixed for submission of admission forms without late fee) in a School maintained by the Govt. (Federal/Provincial) or Local Bodies (Corporations, Metropolitan Corporations, Municipal Committees and Town Committees Railway, WAPDA) as an un-trained or trained teacher.
(ii) Of possessing good moral character.
(iii) Of being in-service in the area falling within the territorial limits of the Boards.
(iv) Of not being a candidate for any examination to be conducted in the same year/session, by this or any other Board or University.
(3) Submit four copies of his/her recent photographs duly attested by the authority prescribed under rule 3.3.
8. Title of in-service candidate for appearing in other Examination
Subject to other conditions of eligibility;_
(i) Trained PTC Teachers shall be eligible for CT, OT,
and Art & Crafts(DM) Examinations.
(ii) Trained OT, DM & Technical/Agriculture/PET teachers and other trades recognized as equivalent thereto shall be eligible for CT Examination.
(iii) Un-trained teachers of the following categories shall be eligible for the examination mentioned against each:-
PTC un-trained for PTC Examination
CT (EST) un-trained for CT Examination
AT/OT un-trained for OT Examination
DM un-trained for DM(Art & Crafts) Exams.
9. Checking of Eligibility of in-service candidate.
The eligibility of in-service candidates will be checked by the Board alongwith following original documents.
1. Appointment letter
2. Service Book
3. Qubz-ul-Wasool (Nine months)
4. Service Certificate upto date (DEO/Authority concerned)
10. Authority Competent to sign/attest the admission form.
The following persons shall be authorized to sign/attest the certificates
mentioned in Rule7 & photographs/thumb impression of the candidates:-
For Regular/Late Regular candidates.
(1) Head of the Institution concerned.
For in-service candidates:-
(2) (i) Head of the institution where the candidate is serving as a teacher, if the Head of the Institution is himself a candidate, then the Centre Headmaster/Headmistress concerned.
(ii) The admission form shall thereafter be counter-signed either by the (A.E.O. or DD.E.O/who soever the Incharge) then countersigned by the D.E.O./Authority concerned.
(iii) The service certificate may also be countersigned by the D.E.O. authority concerned.
(3) The authority attesting the admission form shall put his full signatures and stamp on the photographs/thumb impressions and admission forms of the candidates.
11. Conditions of eligibility for the late Regular Candidates.
(1) A regular candidate, who appeared and failed in one or two subjects, may re-appear in the immediately following examination as a late regular candidate.
(2) A regular candidate, who appeared and failed as a whole, may appear as a fresh candidate in full subjects, as a late regular candidate.
(3) A candidate of category 1 & 2 above, will also fulfill the conditions of Rule 7.
12. Candidates from outside territorial limits.
The P.T.C., C.T., OT., and Art & Crafts (D.M) Examinations shall also be open to a candidate residing permanent or temporarily in or belonging to a place within the territorial limits of the Board. Such candidates shall produce the following certificates in addition to the certificates mentioned in Rule-7.:-
(a) that he has been residing permanently or temporarily in or belonging to a place within the territorial limits of the Board.
(b) That the relevant Board has no objection to the candidate’s taking the examination conducted by the Board.
13. Number of attempts to qualify the examination.
(1) To qualify for the grant of PTC, CT, OT, and Art & Crafts (DM) Examinations, a candidate shall be provided with a maximum of three consecutive opportunities which will commence from and include the examination in which a candidate appears for the first time provided that the candidate must pass in atleast 10 subjects in PTC & CT Examinations, 8 subjects in Art & Crafts (DM) Examination and 7 subjects in OT Examination in the first attempt in order to be eligible to re-appear in the failing/left over subjects in the second and third attempt.
(2) If a candidate fails to qualify the examination in the first or second attempts, he shall be granted exemption in the subject/s in which he has passed in an attempt/attempts and allowed to re-appear in the subsequent attempt in the subject/s in which he has failed. Such a candidate on qualifying the examination shall be granted a certificate of having passed the examination “by parts”.
(3) No additional examination opportunity shall be provided in lieu of an opportunity missed for any reason except in the following cases.:-
(i) Candidates involved in cases of alleged use of unfairmeans but acquitted and the decision is taken so late that the period of the chances already permitted expires.
(ii) Candidates whose results remain incomplete or completed late on the part of the Board and resultantly they miss the permitted chances.
(4) Candidates of the said categories shall have the option to appear in the next examination immediately following the declaration of their result. In case the result is not declared forty days before the commencement of the next examination, they would have the option to appear either in the immediate next examination or the next following examination.
(5) A candidate, who fails to qualify the examination in the permissible three consecutive attempts, may repeat the examination as a fresh candidate in full subjects, if otherwise eligible.
14. A candidate who is blind or deaf and dumb may qualify the examination without any restriction to the number of examination without any restriction to the number of examination opportunities/attempts referred to above and they will be exempted from reappearing the papers in which they have once passed.
15. Absence from the Examination:
(1) A candidate, who has failed to appear in one or two subjects of an examination, shall be treated to have failed to secure pass marks in the subject/subjects.
(2) A candidate, who failed to appear as a whole, shall be treated absent for the examination and no result card will be issued.
(3) A candidate accepted for an examination who remained absent throughout the examination will be permitted to appear in the next examination in all the subjects on submission of fresh form and fee if otherwise eligible.
16. Scheme of Studies.
The Scheme of Studies for the P.T.C., C.T., OT., and Art & Crafts (DM)Examination including subjects, Combination of subjects, groups, their weight age in term of marks, number of papers for a subject the duration of each paper etc. shall be such as may be prescribed.
17. Medium of Examination.
The medium of examination in all subjects except English shall be Urdu, provided that nothing in this Rule restrict the translation of an English passage into Urdu and vice/versa.
18. Pass Marks.
In order to pass in a subject, a candidate must obtain at least 33% of the total number of marks allowed to the subject, provided that a fraction in the minimum pass marks shall be ignored.
19. Qualifying Conditions.
To qualify for the grant of PTC,CT, OT and Art & Crafts(DM) Examinations, a candidate must pass in all the subjects, offered according to the scheme of studies. It shall be compulsory for a candidate to pass External & Internal Examinations separately.
20. Placement in Grades.
A candidate, who has qualified for the grant of the PTC, CT,OT and Art & Crafts (DM) certificates, shall be placed in one of the following grades:-
Percentage of Marks: Grade Remarks
80% and above marks A+ Exceptional
70% and above marks but below 80% A Excellent
60% and above marks but below 70% B Very Good
50% and above marks but below 60% C Good
40% and above marks but below 50% D Fair
Minimum pass marks & above but below 40% Satisfactory
21. Unfairmeans in Examination.
(1) A candidate, who was disqualified for use of unfairmeans in an examination, shall be allowed to appear in the subsequent examination after the expiry of the period of disqualification in the syllabi enforced in full subjects if otherwise eligible.
(2) Candidates who were allowed to re-appear in one or more subjects in the Annual/Supplementary Examination and were disqualified for use of unfairmeans in that examination may be allowed to appear in that/those subjects after the expiry of the period of disqualification in the syllabus/ syllabi in-force
Provided that this facility would not be available to the candidate appearing in the last permitted chance.
22. Transfer from other Boards.
(1) The candidate of the following services may be permitted to complete their examination in this Board on producing No Objection Certificate and Detailed Marks Certificate from the concerned Board in the event of their Guardian/Parents transfer from one jurisdiction to another jurisdiction:-
(i)Defence Services;
(ii)General/Provincial Services;
(2) A candidate whose in Service parents are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Board, after having already cleared some of the subjects, from other Board , may be permitted to complete the examination by re-appearing in the remaining subjects. Such a candidate, on passing the remaining subjects, shall be granted the Certificate of having passed the examination and the marks obtained by him in the subjects cleared by him from other Boards shall be in-corporated in the Certificate along with the name of that Board.
(3) The students who had paid admission fee and had filed in admission papers with a Board where their parents were working as public servants, will be allowed to appear in the examination of the new Board in whose jurisdiction their parents had been transferred and they had to accompany them .in such case the admission form and the fee will be transferred to the new Board to enable the students to appear in the respective examination.
23. Rates of admission fees etc. and submission of admission forms.
1. The prescribed rates of examination fee including the fee for issuing subject-wise marks and the final certificate for PTC, Art & Crafts (DM), CT and OT Examinations will be applicable.
2. Registration fee of Rs.125+35 as sports fee shall be payable to the Board by each Regular candidate at the time of his admission to the class in an institution and by each in-service candidate at the time of submission of his admission form and fees for the examination. The Registration and sports fee will be charge-able once for an examination
(i) The rates of fee for the Examination shall be such as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.
(ii) The admission form and admission fee shall be accepted according to the following three phases:-
1st phase with single fee
2nd phase with double fee
3rd phase with Tripple fee(upto 20 days before the commencement of examination).
Phases for the supplementary examination will be at the discretion of the Chairman.
(iii) The admission form and fee should reach the office on the date fixed by the Chairman without late fee. If an admission form is sent by registered post and the prescribed fee is deposited in the Bank or sent by money order on or before the last date fixed for receipt of admission forms without late fee, the admission form shall be considered to have been received in time provided this is received in Board’s office within 5 days of the last date fixed without late fee.
(iv) Admission forms received in contravention of rule 5.1 shall be rejected. However, such admission forms may be resubmitted on payment of the prescribed fee payable on the date of re-submission according to the schedule together with such fine as may be prescribed by the Board.
(v) If the result of a candidate is declared late, except for reasons of any default on his part and the candidate has to re-appear in a subsequent examination on the basis of that result, the admission form and the prescribed fee of such a candidate for the examination may be accepted without the payment of late fee with 15 days from the date of declaration of his/her result or the date fixed for submission of forms and fees without late fee, whichever is later.
24. Eligibility to re-appear.
A candidate who has failed in an examination may present himself for one or more subsequent examination provided that he shall, on each occasion, satisfy the office that he has fulfilled the conditions laid down in the Rules for admission of candidates to the Examination conducted by the Board. Provided further that a student from a recognized Institution, who is unable to clear an examination of the Board within a period of one year from the date of his first failure, will not be admitted to any examination after that period as Regular candidate. He may, thereafter, sit in the Public Examination as a late regular candidate.
25. Syllabi of the Examination.
The candidates of all the categories shall take the examination in the current syllabi.
26. Restrictions to appear in the Examination.
No one who has passed an examination shall be permitted to reappear at the same examination except as may be specifically provided in the Regulation or Rules for the examination concerned.
27. Correspondence.
All correspondence pertaining to examinations conducted by the Board shall be addressed to the Controller of Examinations of the Board and be delivered in the office by the dates to be prescribed by the office from time.
28. Exclusion from the Examination.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the provisions pertaining to an examinations, the Chairman shall have the powers to exclude any person from any examination, if he is satisfied that such a candidate is not a fit person to appear in it.
29. Bar on taking the Examination.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Rules, no candidate who is undergoing any restriction at the time of submitting the application form or during the period of examination or who was expelled during the academic year just preceding the date of examination at which he intends to appear shall be admitted to the examination.
30. Restriction on disqualified candidates.
No candidate who has been debarred or expelled or rusticated by any examining Body/Institution shall be admitted to any examination before the expiry of the period for which he has been disqualified.
31. Option to be declared failed.
(1) A candidate permitted to re-appear may at his own option, be declared as Failed and treated accordingly for the purpose of re-examination, if other wise eligible.
(2) Such a candidate shall communicate his option to the Controller of Examinations within 30 days of the declaration, of his result.
(3) The option once exercised by the candidate shall be final and irrevocable.
32. Option to re-appear candidates to appear in full combination and vice-versa. Re-appear candidates may be allowed to appear in full combination of subjects even after the submission of admission forms on the request made on simple paper at least 30 days before the commencement of examination. Provided further that a re-appear candidate, who opted full combination of subjects in the admission form will also be permitted to appear in his failing subjects only, if otherwise eligible,
on a request which should reach the office within the period as specified above and thereafter following fee would be levied if his request for change of option is received:-
(i) Within less than 30 days before the commencement of examination.Rs.100/.
(ii) After the commencement of examination upto 20 days after the declaration of result.Rs.150/-
33. Change of subjects.
(1) A candidate who appears but failed in one or two subjects will be eligible to re-appear in the failing subjects only unless he appears as a fresh candidate (full combination) in any subsequent examination.
(2) Change of subjects shall be governed under the relevant Rules.
34. Concessional Marks.
Five grace marks shall be awarded in a subject to pass the examination, subject to the condition that these marks will not be physically added in the examination.
35. Improvement of. Marks
No candidate will be allowed to appear for improvement of marks after passing he examination.
36. Operation of the Rules
(1) These Rules shall be operative with immediate effect.
(2) The Relevant Rules pertaining to other Examinations of the Board will also be applicable as such for the PTC, CT,OT and Art & Crafts (DM)Examinations. |
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