BSEK Karachi Announces Scholarships for Students
- Thursday, December 3, 2015, 6:38
- BSEK Karachi, News, Scholarships
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Karachi, Board of Secondary Education Karachi is going to announce scholarship for 2015-16 for the students of the government schools. These scholarships will be given to the deserving students for their financial support and their encouragement. The government schools, which are affiliated with the board, the ninth class students, who get 45% or more marks in their annual exams, they will be given preference in the tenth class to bear their educational expenses. The board will give the preference to the students according to its regulation for award of scholarships.
The students can get the forms from the office of the board for the scholarship and they can also submit it till 08 January 2016. When the application forms will be received, then the names of the students will be considered for scholarship on the base of merit.
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