BSEK Karachi Board Matric Supply exams Schedule 2015
- Saturday, November 7, 2015, 10:09
- BSEK Karachi
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Karachi, Board of Secondary Education Karachi received the admission forms from the candidates, who wanted to appear in the matric class supply exams. Now the complete arrangements for the BSEK matric supply exams have been made for the students, so that they can appear in the matric class supply exams. There are total 51133 students, who sent their application forms in the science and arts subjects. BSEK Karachi set up about 155 exams centers across the city for the students and the students are intimated about their exams centers, in which they have to appear in the matric class supply exams, which is going to be started from 05 November.
The date sheets and the admit cards of the students are issued to them on their postal addresses and the students need to check the names of their exams centers. The students ensure their participation in the matric class supply exams on the scheduled dates. If the students do not receive their admit cards, then they should contact with the board office to get the duplicate admit cards.
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