BSEK Karachi Extends 9th class Enrolment Forms dates 2015
- Thursday, July 2, 2015, 8:34
- BSEK Karachi
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Karachi, Board of Secondary Education Karachi has announced that the students can send their enrolment, registration and permission forms for the annual exams of 2015 for class 9th science and general group for both regular and private students. Now BSEK has extended the last date for the submission of the admission forms with the late fee of Rs.2500 from 01 July to 31 August 2015. The students are asked to get the enrolment, registration and permission forms from the National Bank of Pakistan, Habib bank Limited, Askari Commercial Bank and United Bank Limited board office booth. The students need to send their application forms within due date to avoid any complication at later stage.
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