BSEK Matric Part 1 Supply Exams Result 2016 Statics
- Saturday, October 29, 2016, 6:49
- BISE, BSEK Karachi, News
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Karachi, Board of Secondary Education Karachi is going to declare the result of the matric class part 1 for the year 2016. The BSEK Karachi has already conducted the SSC class part 1 supply exams in the attached schools and there were total 15539 students, who were enrolled in the General Group and they appeared in their papers, in which they were failed in the matric class part 2 annual exams 2016. In the General group regular of SSC class part 1, total 14947 students were declared successful and in the General group private of matric class part 1 supply exams 6687 students were declared successful.
Check result here :