BSEK Matriculate Exams For Special Children
- Friday, May 6, 2016, 5:51
- BSEK Karachi
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In the second step of matric exams, SSC annual exams 2016 for special children have started from 3rd may 2016 in Govt. Pilot Girls Secondary School Nazimabad under the Board of Secondary Education Karachi while these exams will remain continue till 20th May 2016. Total 216 candidates are participating in these exams.
According to details, dumb and duff students will participate in these exams while the papers of Islamiyat, English, Maths, Urdu, Pakistan Studies, General Science, Tailoring, Embroidery, Drawing, Arts (theory, practical) and computer will be included in these exams. Steps have been taken for these special children to take their papers comfortably.
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