Cambridge Result 2016
- Friday, August 12, 2016, 8:59
- News, Results
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Principal of “Headstart” senior branch, located in F-8/4, Fahim Khan told that this year proved best for them as more than 100 students out of total 300 took more than 3 As in the exams. Most of the A* and As were achieved in maths, science subjects and economics.
He told that the teaching staff in their institute is foreign qualified and committed to their job. There is a positive relationship between students and teachers while both academic and co curricular activities are given importance.
Natalia Ahsan remained the top student of the school as she achieved 5 As in A level. She told that this achievement was made without any extra effort and tuition as the teachers are always available to them.
According to Khadija Mushtaq, CEO Roots IVY International Schools, more than 1200 As are taken by their students in O Levels, A Levels and IGCSE.
She told that Rida Shahid of DHA campus was the best achiever of their school in O Level/IGCSE with 5 As and 5 A*.
In IGCSE, 9 A* are achieved by Babar Mushtaq and Saifur Rehman, both from Roots IVY Chaklala Scheme III. Apart from them, 9 As are taken by Ali Mustafa Khatai, M Hassan Malik, Humna Rehman, Umer Sadiq, Saifur Rehmna, Tallina Talle, Haiqa Kamran and Babar Mustafa.
Student Tallina Talle said that her parents and teachers helped her to achieve this success as they encouraged her to work hard after which she would not need academies and tuition.
The other top achievers include Arham Hameed, M Afaaq and M Haisam Azhar who achieved 6 As while they belong to different campuses.
Nusrat Tahir, principal Islamabad College of Arts & Science (ICAS), was also quite happy on performance of her students as they achieved 5 A*, 60 As and 55Bs in A Levels and 46 A*, 100 As and 121 Bs in O Levels.
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