DCET Announces Result of Pre-Entry Test
- Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 7:50
- News, Results
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Karachi, Dowood College of Engineering and Technology has started admission process in the college for grant of admission for which they conducted entry test of the interested and eligible candidates. Now the college has issued complete detail of the entry test result for grant of admission in various technologies disciplines.
According to the result f the entry test, about 3597 candidates applied for admission but 3234 candidates appeared in the entry test. About 1691 candidates were declared passed and remaining 1543 candidates were declared failed.
Vice Chancellor of Sindh Madrassah tul Islam University Dr. Muhammad Ali Sheikh who is also the principal in-charge of DCET gave detail according to which about 562 seats available for admission which are further distributed as 173 seats are reserved for grant of admission to the candidates belong to Sindh Urban. In this category 1050 students passed the test against 173 seats reserved for the purpose. 173 seats are reserved for Sindh rural in which 583 students passed and are candidates for admission in the disciplines. And there are about 100 seats reserved for the students who want to take admission on self finance scheme in which only 21 students get admission so far.
As there are large numbers of students who want to get admission so the University will conduct interviews for the final selection of the students. The interviews will be conducted on December 10, 2012 and new classes will start functioning from January 07, 2013.
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