Education Department Finalize Agreement with Private Company for Preparation of Results
- Friday, February 1, 2013, 7:23
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Faisalabad, The Education Department of Punjab has finalized an agreement with a private company ‘TUFT’ for preparation of results of educational boards for the next year for Rs.20 crores.
It is reported that Education Department of Punjab finalized an agreement with the said company for preparation of exams results of the candidates of educational boards for the year 2012 but the said company was failed to prepare the results in time and did not upload them for which different educational boards complained against the said company. The company showed about 25% success in the preparation of the exams result but the company was paid about 75% of the total agreement amount after deducting about 25% amount. On the political intervention, the Education Department has again signed the agreement with the said company and the payment is conditioned with its 100% performance. The company will get amount of Rs.145 per candidate for preparing the result and upload it on the internet.
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