CSS International Relations Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
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Under The Federal Government,2012
1. Discuss the development of the study of " International Relations" and define its core influential factors and define its role in the post cold war era?
2. Discuss "Diplomacy" and define ...
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CSS International Law Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Part I
1. Meaning of Cabotage?
2. Amnesty International is what? NGO, CSO, International Organization?
3. ICRC is what? International Organization, or related to Geneva Convection?
4. Which article of ICJ deals with sources of International Law? Article 38, 51?
5. How many members of UN were till 31-12-2011? 193, 190, 200?
6. Number of members ...
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CSS History of the USA Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Q:2. The American first war with the Britain made them independent; the second made them a formidable power. Discuss.
Q:3. what were the tribulations of the USA president Woodrow Wilson in the post WW I era to convince the other three associates to his ...
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CSS Muslim Law & Jurisprudence Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Q.2. Define the doctrine of naskh (repeal).do you agree that naskh has been done in Shariah texts?if so then what is justification for it?
Q.3. Is khula an absolute right of woman or it is subject to some conditions?how can she use ...
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CSS European History Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Paper I - Part II
Attempt any four questions....
Q.2 What were the similarities and differences in the views of Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau? Enumerate their achievements.
Q.3 'If the conquests of Napoleon were ephemeral, his civilian work in France was built upon granite'. Explain.
Q.4 'I have ...
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CSS Mercantile Law Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Q.2 section 10 of the contract act says that "all agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of the parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and or not expressly declared to be ...
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CSS British History Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
(Part I, MCQs) 30 Minutes - Maximum Marks: 20
(Part II) 2 Hours & 30 Minutes: Maximum Marks: 80
Note: (i) Candidate ...
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CSS Constitutional Law Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
2. Highlight the purpose of constitution and the principle of constitutionalism. Elaborate various characteristics which could be used to identify the nature of a constitution.
3. What do you understand by the doctrine of "Parliamentary Sovereignty" or the traditional view of legislative supremacy? ...
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CSS Indo-Pak History Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Paper 1 (Part 2)
Q2. "Conquest of sind produced everlasting results not only in sindh but also in al over the South asia" discuss.
Q3. " Sham-ud-din iltutmish organizedthe adminstration in newly conquered territories as a loose decentralizad system in which high noble were ...
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CSS Law Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Part I
1. Meaning of Cabotage?
2. Amnesty International is what? NGO, CSO, International Organization?
3. ICRC is what? International Organization, or related to Geneva Convection?
4. Which article of ICJ deals with sources of International Law? Article 38, 51?
5. How many members of UN were till 31-12-2011? 193, 190, 200?
6. Number of members at ...
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