

Islamic History & Culture CSS Past Paper 2012

CSS Islamic History & Culture Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Paper I Q.2. Give an analytical study of Socio-political and economic conditions of Peninsula of Arabia at the advent of Islam. Q.3 Give a critical study of Pact of Medina and discuss its importance in the then society of Medina. Q.4. Highlight the causes and ... Full story

Zoology CSS Past Paper 2012

CSS Zoology Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Zoology I SECTION I Solve 2 questions from each section. Total of four questions. Q 1. a : Write an essay on “Protozoa and diseases” b. What are coral reefs? Give an account of various forms of coral reefs.6 c. Coelenterates show some resemblances with Porifera. Discuss briefly 4 Q2: a Give an ... Full story

Botany CSS Past Paper 2012

CSS Botany Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Botany 2010 paper 1 Part II Q.2 a) classify different groups of algae based on their habitat and pigmentation. 10 b) Write a note on the economic importance of chlorophyta.10 Q .3 Fungi have great impact on our national economy. Explain their constructive and destructive roles ... Full story

Chemistry CSS Past Paper 2012

CSS Chemistry Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Paper I Q. No. 2 (i) Glucose is formed according to the following reaction, absorbing 2840 Kj of heat. How much energy will be given out by combustion of 1.08 of glucose? (4) 6CO2 (g) +6H2O ----------- C6H12O6 + 6O2 (ii) State and explain the relationship of ... Full story

Statistics CSS Past Paper 2012

Statistics CSS Past Paper 2012
CSS Statistics Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Full story

Geography CSS Past Paper 2012

Geography CSS Past Paper 2012
CSS Geography Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Full story

Computer Science CSS Past Paper 2012

CSS Computer Science Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Federal Public Service Commission Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Posts in BS-17 Under the Federal Government, 2012 Computer Science TIME ALLOWED: (PART-I) 30 MINUTES, MAXIMUM MARKS: 20 (PART-II) 2 HOURS & 30 MINUTES MAXIMUM MARKS: 80 Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II, selecting at least ONE question from EACH section. ... Full story

Geology CSS Past Paper 2012

CSS Geology Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Geology Paper 1 2010 subjective part Part – II Q.2 How X-ray diffraction helps to determine the mineralogical composition of rocks? Q.3 What is acidic igneous rocks ? Describe the petrology of granite in detail. Q.4 Describe the internal structure of the Earth and ... Full story

Applied Mathematics CSS Past Paper 2012

Applied Mathematics CSS Past Paper 2012
CSS Applied Mathematics Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Full story

Physics CSS Past Paper 2012

Physics CSS Past Paper 2012
CSS Physics Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams. Full story
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