European History CSS Past Paper 2012
- Thursday, August 2, 2012, 10:41
- CSS, CSS Past Papers, Past Papers, Resources, Test Prep
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CSS European History Past Papers 2012 can help you to prepare your CSS Exams 2013 or any other CSS exams.
Paper I – Part II
Attempt any four questions….
Q.2 What were the similarities and differences in the views of Voltaire, Montesquieu and Rousseau? Enumerate their achievements.
Q.3 ‘If the conquests of Napoleon were ephemeral, his civilian work in France was built upon granite’. Explain.
Q.4 ‘I have come to the world either too early or too late’. (Metternich). Explain this and make estimate of his work as a statesman and as a prime minister.
Q.5 Explain the causes of the establishment of the Bourgeoisie monarchy of Louis Philippes. Do you hold it responsible for the Revolution of 1848 in France?
Q.6 Compare the ideals of Cavour and Bismarck in achieving the unification of their respective countries.
Q.7 ‘The eastern question had long perplexed the powers of Europe, and had, at the same time, lured then on to seek their own advantage in its labyrinthine mazes’. Discuss.
Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following..
1. Treaty of Chaumont 2. The French in North Africa 3. The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks 4. The triple entente 1907Paper II – Part II
Attempt any four questions.
Q.2 ‘Fourteen points of President Wilson were fourteen disappointments’. How?
Q.3 ‘The Russian revolution was on economic explosion hastened by the stupidities of autocratic Government’. Discuss.
Q.4 Trace the working of the League of Nations between the two world wars and account for its failure to solve some of the problems presented to it.
Q.5 Give an estimate of Mussolini’s services to Italy. What led to His fall?
Q.6 What are the main objectives of UNO? What are its failures and successes?.
Q.7 Discuss De. Gaulle’s domestic and foreign policy.
Q.8 Write short notes on any two of the following:
1. Mustapha Kemal. 2. Cold War. 3. European Common Market. 4. England and the Middle East 1945 to 1960.
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