Federal Board Changes 3 Subject of Matric Syllabus


Islamabad, Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education has issued new notification for the issue to new books for the matric part 1 and 2. It is also stated that the board administration has wasted two precious months of the students and they made amendment at this time, when the students have already read these three books for last two months. Before this, the books of Islamic Studies, Pak Studies and Ethics part 1 and 2 were studied in the federal schools and now these three have been changed.

According to the notification, the book of Islamic Studies part 1 and 2 are being taught under syllabus for 2002 and Ethics for Non Muslims are taught under the syllabus 2007. Pak Studies book for 9th class are taught under syllabus 2006, which are published by GFH Publishers Lahore and Pak Studies for 10th class is published by Gohar Publishers Lahore. These two books were started teaching to both classes from April. These three books were taught in the schools for last two months and now these books have been changed.

The chairman of Federal Board Islamabad said that the change in these three books have been made according to new scheme of studies. He also said that the total marks of matric class part 1 and 2 of all educational boards are 1100 marks but the total marks of SSC class of federal board are only 1050 marks. Now the increase of 25 marks in Islamic Studies compulsory and Pak Studies each have been made while the book of Ethics for non-Muslims was being taught, which was published under syllabus 1996. Now it has been changed and the book has been changed to the syllabus of 2007.

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