Federal Board Matric Supply Exams More than Half Students Fail
- Saturday, December 1, 2012, 7:10
- BISE, FBISE - Federal Islamabad, News
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Islamabad, Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education has announced the matric supply exams 2012 result. According to the result details, 13125 candidates appeared in the matric part I exams in which 6407 candidates were declared passed and in this way the percentage of the result remained 48.82 percent. In matric part-II exams of matric supply exams, 9178 candidates appeared in the exams in which only 3877 candidates were declared successful and the percentage of the successful candidates remained 42.24 percent.
Federal Board has also announced that the final date for submission of examination forms with examination fee will be December 11, 2012. The interested students should be hurry for availing this opportunity and submit the examination forms with normal fee. The students can also submit examination forms with double fee till December 26, 2012.
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