First IT University Establish at Lahore


Lahore, Chief Minister of Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif has made an announcement on Thursday that his government is determined to establish first informational technology university of Pakistan in Punjab. Necessary funds for its establishment will be reserved in the next financial year.

He further added that his government will allot the land for the set up of Punjab Technology University (PTU) and an independent board will supervise the control and function of the university to maintain highest standard of computer education.

Chief Minister made this exhilarating announcement while addressing at the soft opening of the PTU held at Arfa Karim Software Technology Park. First campus of the PTU will be established on the sixth floor the Arfa Karim Software Technology Park and classes will commence in September this year.

He further mentioned that above than 1000 male and female students will get education in Computer sciences and technology in the campus whereas 6,000 students comprising both genders will get education in the permanent campus of PTU located at Dera Rakh Chahal on Ring road.

The Chief Minster also declared that Punjab Educational Endowment Fund will bear the educational expenditure of 500 talented and deserved students. Middle East Technical University of Turkey will coordinate to set up permanent campus of the PTU on the land measuring 705 acres located at Dera Rakh Chahal on Ring Road..

Education Minister of Punjab, Mian Mujtaba Shuja ur Rehman expressed that this university will be proved a solid foundation for the national growth. Chairman, Higher Education Commission Dr. Javed Leghari said that the establishment of PTU will help to extend further developments in the IT sector.

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