GCU Organizes Job Fair for Students Yesterday
- Saturday, November 28, 2015, 11:20
- University
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Government College University managed the job fair in which the university graduates and the students of final year participated. The job fair was conducted in the main campus of the university.
In this job fair, the Chairman of Punjab Higher Education Commission, Prof Dr Muhammad Nizamuddin attended this event as chief guest. The Career Guidance of GCU and Placement Center managed this job fair and Quality Enhancement Cell did the supervision of the event.
The invitees of the job fair attended the event to seek employment and internship opportunities in the national and international companies and firms. In this job fair, about 53 well-known companies like banks, NGOs, IT firms, producers and ecommerce websites have managed their stalls there at the job fair of 2015 at GCU and it offers 400 internships and permanent employments to the students of the university along with the fresh graduates of the university.
During the event, the stalls of e-commerce websites were the center of attraction and the candidates showed their keen interest to work with them as the marketing manager, content writer and IT professionals. The e-commerce website shows that they have bright future across the world and they want the highly qualified students to enhance their e-commerce business. Besides all these, there is large number of schools, who function in private sector and they look for the qualified students to teach their students in their schools and they also announced strong salary package to the students, which can suit their qualification.
The chief guest also said on this occasion that there was big gap among the universities students and the advanced market demands. The management of such job fairs can help the private sector and the students to enhance their skills to get good job and also do their job in excellent manner. He also shared his views about his first job, which he joined in US selected from the job fair.
Prof Dr Hassan Amir Shah, VC of GCU said that the GCU provides the opportunities of academic environment and co-curricular activities to the students for their complete and full grooming, personality development and confidence building. For this reason, the companies and institutes prefer their students for their jobs.
Prof Dr Riaz Ahmed, Head of the Faculty of Science and Technology and Registrar Saboor Khan visited the stalls of the companies and they discussed with the executives of the company about the policy of their employments and their eligibility criteria. The chief guest also gave away the certificates to the reps of the company for their participation in the job fair managed by GCU.
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