General Instructions about BISE Rawalpindi


Special Instruction for Parents, Teachers and Students
The head of institution should get a written consent about the name of the child and that of his father with correct spellings etc. on a slip signed by the father so that no discrepancy take place in the registration return or the admission form.


Procedure of Depositing Fee
Admission fee should be deposited with authorized branches of Habib Bank Ltd. Slip No 04 of challan form be pasted on admission form and Slip No 5 be retained as record.


Instructions for Head of Institutions
While submitting the registration return the name of child/father with correct spelling of their names and their date of birth must be in consonance with the slip provided by the parents at the time of admission form a photocopy of registration form should be retained by head of institution.


Authority to Sign Form
Head Master/Head Mistress/ Principals or authorized person of recognized High School/HSS/College affiliated with Rawalpindi Board.


Instruction for Attesting Authorities
The admission forms should be signed after enquiring the details of the student. The student should be present and he should sign and affix thumb impression before signing authority. The photographs should be attested in such a way as half of the signature or stamp should be on the photograph half on the admission form. The photographs should not be attested on the face of the students. The details of the student and antecedents of person through whom admission form is attested should be incorporated in register maintained in the institution.

Warning : Many students get themselves admitted in Private institutions which are neither registered nor affiliated with the Board. The students of such institutions are private students and they must write their own home address. List of affiliated Schools is available in the office of EDO concerned.


For Parent’s Attention
While parents are getting their child admitted in 1st class they should be careful about the date of birth of their child as it will save them from any difficulty in the process of applying for employment.


Instructions for Students
The private students or their parents should deposit their admission forms just after the announcement of schedule and not wait for the last date. They should obtain the receipt from Inquiry Section of the Board. In case a letter is received by the student and the queries are not answered, Roll No. Slip will not be issued. For the convenience of students the detail of the papers, name of the student and date of birth is endorsed on the date sheet.


Change of Subject
Application for change of subject or group along with the requisite fee should be deposited 30 days before the commencement of exam.


Change of Examination Centre
For change of examination center the application should be submitted on prescribed form along with the fee requisite 30 days before the commencement of the exam. The component authority may accept or reject the application.


Correction of Particulars
Every registered student can apply for any correction as per instructions given in the prescribed form.


Change/Correction of Father’s Name
A decree of a court must be presented for correction. Application for correction in spelling and father’s name can be made on simple paper along with relevant fee.

Correction Date of Birth
Prescribed form can be obtained from Enquiry Section on the back of which instructions have been published. Application for correction can be submitted within 5 years of passing SSC examination.


Change/Correction in Name
These are of separate categories. If spelling are to be corrected or something is to be added or deleted from the name, application may be submitted on prescribed form along with the fee and the cutting of the advertisement in daily news paper. An affidavit duly signed by duty magistrate should also be furnished.


Verification of Certificate
The Record Branch of the Board can verify a Certificate after receiving application along with the photocopy of result card or certificate and the requisite fee to be deposited in the authorized branch of HBL.

Issuing of Result Card
Cards for pass and fail students are dispatched through registered post. If a result card is not received within 3 or 4 days office should be contacted along with batch and Roll No.
Result card should be kept carefully specially till issuance of certificate.


Getting Gazette
Gazette can be obtained from the authorized branches of Habib Bank Ltd. on payment of approved price.


Duplicate Result Card/Certificates
Application for duplicate result card may be submitted on prescribed form. In case of regular candidates, the forms and photographs should be attested by the head of institution concerned. In case of private candidates, the form should be got attested from the heads of affiliated institutions within the jurisdiction of the Board. Fee for relevant purpose be deposited with the authorized branches of Habib Bank Ltd.


Rechecking of Answer Books
A candidate can apply on prescribed form for rechecking of an answer book within 15 days of the declaration of result. A copy of result card will also be attached. Prescribed re-checking fee per paper shall be deposited in HBL. It should be kept in mind that during rechecking only total is checked and it is ascertained that all answers have been marked and no question has been left unmarked. No re-marking or re-evaluation is allowed in any case.


Rules Pertaining to Refund of Fee

  1. Form for refund of fee will be accepted only if the Board has declared the candidate ineligible. A letter to this effect must be attached.
  2. Fee is refundable if a candidate dies before the commencement of the examination. Death certificate and the certificate of legal heirs certified by judicial Magistrate must be provided.
  3. Amount of fee deposited in excess is refundable.
  4. An application for Refund of fee is accepted within one year after the fee is deposited. Service changes are deducted from the amount so deposited at the time of refund.
  5. Fee once deposited is neither adjustable to any other examination nor transferable to any other candidate account.
  6. Enrolment fee is neither refundable nor transferable to any other head.

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