Get A Degree From MIT by Online Courses
- Saturday, August 13, 2016, 12:21
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the most famous and high ranked university of world which provides exclusive education for engineering, science and technology. In this part of the world, most of the people can’t take admission in MIT due to financial reason.
Since past few years, free online courses are also offered by the university in order to provide their teaching experience to the desired students. But a degree was not accessible with these courses.
Now the university will also provide degree with these courses. For this purpose, they are starting a pilot project. Now it is easier for many of our students to take advantage of the facility provided by one of the best university of the world.
MIT Starts Supply Chain Management Degree Program
This pilot project was announced on Wednesday under which the free online course is offered to the students for 1st semester of MIT. They can get a MicroMaster’s credential after paying $1500 for exam and passing that exam.
Half of MIT’s one year long supply chain management program is represented by the MicroMaster Credential. The performers can apply for the program’s 2nd semester after passing an exam. $33,000 is the fee for students to enter the 2nd semester which is half of total cost of the regular program.
Instead of giving the total fee of $66,000, you can take the MIT degree in supply chain management through online course for just $34,500.
MIT President L Rafael Reif says that now anyone can take a degree from MIT if they are willing and hardworking enough.
Usually the mid career workers take an year off to join the supply chain management program. Lot of space is available for this program in many companies.
Are Online Degree Programs the Future?
Director of MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, Yossi Sheffi, says that just 40 students get graduation from the university each year which is the main reason to start this online program because they require more graduates from the university.
Online programs will get more importance in the future and many universities will also change their programs by relating them with online courses. Apart from MIT, many other universities have also started the online degree programs including Georgia Institute of Technology, Arizona State University, Harvard University and few others.
MIT president admits that taking admission in universities like MIT is not easy. The admission system is easy for students with regular education but it is difficult for people outside of this system. Currently, they are completely focusing on quality because making money should not be the purpose behind education.
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