GMAT Sentence Correction Answers


1) D. The underlined portion of the sentence brevity. This should be pretty obvious. What may not seem as obvious is that there is a subject verb disagreement between “message” and “make”. Be aware that the GMAT test writers like prepositional phrases between the subject and verb to mask this disagreement to add. Option A, B and C can be eliminated, since each false start with the verb “make”. Choice E is wrong because it changes the meaning of the sentence. The speaker of the sentence has never claimed that he or she has no money to invest in NASDAQ stocks, but only that he or she is not all of his or her money to invest in these shares.

3) E. The pronoun everyone is singular. (If you do not want us to rely on this, you can pronoun used in a simple sentence. “Everybody is happy that you apply to bschool” versus Everybody’re glad you’re applying to bschool. “) Answer choices A, B and C can now be quickly eliminated. Answer Choice D changes the meaning of this sentence too. One could argue that the speaker of the sentence did not intend that the strong of an opinion on the accident to bring.

4) C. The semicolon should be used instead of the colon in this sentence. This means that we can answer choices A and B. A comma is needed to eliminate after the word “anyway”, so we can also eliminate answer choice D. Answer choice E can be lifted because it is too tedious and incorrect use of “my” instead of “myself”.

5) B. This question tests subject verb agreements. Each is unique and must be followed by the wax instead of goods. Answer choices A, C and E can be eliminated. Answer Choice D is different from that used between B and B used in answer choice. Between would only be used when only two people involved. In the case of the three movies, the word “under” should be used.

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