Government Polytechnic Institute Women Peshawar Admission 2015
- Tuesday, June 30, 2015, 8:41
- Admissions
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Right now in associate Engineering DAE the three years Diploma in the Government Polytechnic Institute Women Peshawar Admissions 2015 is open and from the office timing you can get the admission. So if you have completed your matric and right now you would like to learn technical educations in designing fields then this is the high time to join in Government Polytechnic Institute Peshawar.
You have to read this article carefully and be sure that you are allowed for this enrolment or not and your qualification is fulfilling the needed merit or not. If you are sure that you are qualified for this enrolment in any designing Diploma then you are required to precede enrolment process within suitable date and time. As well you are notified that any application form attained following succeeding the final date is going to be enjoyed.
After getting the appropriate and entitled application forms, officers will analyze your forms and it will ask you to get an interview on 3rd of August 2015 from 9:00 am to 4:00pm. While coming to interveiwe, its compulsory to present your original documents to prove to the officials, whereas asking for your verification. After this interview successful candidates will be allowed by Government Polytechnic Institute women Peshawar admissions 2015.
Government Polytechnic Institute Women Peshawar Admission 2015 Program
- Three Years Diploma In Associate Engineering In Electronics
- Three Years Diploma In Associate Engineering In Architecture
- Three Years Diploma In Associate Engineering In Dress Making and Dress Designing
Eligibility/ Requirements
For all the courses the minimum qualification requirement is Matric with 45% marks and Science for above two courses and matric with science/ Art for 3 number courses.
Admission Procedure
For Rs. 200/- Qualified students can get application forms from the Government Polytechnic Institute Women Peshawar. Fill up your form and then filling it dully and place the certificate of Matric along with your form.
July 28th 2015 is the final Date of Application form submission
August 3rd 2015 by 9am to 4pm is Interview Date
Government Polytechnic Institute Women Peshawar Admission 2015 Advertisement
Therefore this is all regarding Form, Schedule, Eligibility and Admission Procedure of Government Polytechnic Institute women Peshawar admission 2015. Kindly give us your feedback and suggestions in the below for any more information regarding this admission.
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