Gujranwala Board FA FSc Supply 2013 Result 30% Passed
- Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 10:11
- BISEGRW - Gujranwala, Results
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Gujranwala Board has announced the result of intermediate supply exams 2013. Passing percentage remained 29.93%. Total 29946 students participated, out of which 8964 passed the exams. Complete result of different groups is given below.
Groups | Total Students | Passed Students | Percentage |
Pre-Medical | 834 | 244 | 29.25 |
Pre-Engineering | 1178 | 354 | 30 |
Arts | 21452 | 5996 | 27.95 |
Gen. Science | 1928 | 739 | 38.33 |
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