Hazara University
- Saturday, June 25, 2011, 12:06
- Institutes, Universities
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Hazara University is located in Dhodial town, Mansehra District, Hazara in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. The town of Dhodial is located near to the city of Mansehra (the capital city of the District). It was formed in the building & land of Government Mental and General Hospital Dhodial.Hazara University has three faculties the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Health Sciences.
The University was founded in 2002, Hazara University started its operations with meagre resources of one small building for academics and a small Administration block. Initially Departments of Information Technology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Education, English, Islamiyat, Cultural Heritage and Tourisim Management, Journalism and Mass Communication, Disaster and Rehabilation Management, Botany, Genetics, Envirment Sciences, Economics, Health and Physical Education, Arts and Designing, Political Sciences, Physics, Mathematics Law, and Department of Management Sciences started operations. Further Havelian Campus is also working. The university is currently ranked at No.16 in General category of HEC rankings
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