HEC Develops Website for Foreign Scholarships for Pakistanis
- Thursday, June 16, 2016, 5:51
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Federal Government is taking step to issue directions to Higher Education Commission for the development of new website, ‘Learning Opportunities Abroad’ and it will also be linked to websites of HEC with the association of Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training.
The Minister of State issues these directives in the meeting of HEC about the new development in higher education and the Minister of State, Engineer Muhammad Baligh ur Rehman chaired the meeting. The agenda of the meeting was included with facilities for special students, criteria for MPhil and PhDs, overall achievements of HEC, Scholarship programs, Collaboration with different countries about higher education, and Pakistan Chairs Abroad.
2654 students were awarded with scholarships from 2009 till date by different agreed programs among countries and HEC.
Dr Mukhtar, Chairman HEC has given the briefing to the Minister of State for the scholarship programs, which are monitored and facilitated by HEC and it is said that about 2654 students have been awarded with the scholarships since 2009 and they were sent under different agreed programs, which are settled among different countries and HEC. He further added that there would no lapse for HEC and there is some space for further improvement.
Minister of State gave the instructions to the chairman of HEC that they can design new website about the new website, ‘Learning Opportunities Abroad’ and it would link to HEC websites and Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training. The students will get complete information from this newly developed website about the scholarships, which are provided to them for the availability of education to accreditation of foreign universities. Now the comprehensive information is provided to the Pakistani students about the opportunities, which are provided across the world.
A new website, ‘Learning Opportunities Abroad’ would be Excellent Portal for Foreign higher Education
This portal will help the students for foreign higher education to get the accessible information and Minister of State gave the directions to HEC to write letters to the embassies to get the information regarding available scholarships in their respective countries, which are meant for the international students.
HEC Chairman gave the briefing to the minister for the criteria of selection of PhDs. He told the minister that he has carried out a study to identify the areas for PhDs and he found sports, textiles, supply chain and transport, in which we need various experts. The HEC has already started the implementation of the study in its true letter and spirit.
The chairman of HEC also informed the Minister of State about Pakistan Chairs Abroad and it is found that there are about 14 Chairs of Pakistan Abroad, which are present in the countries like China, Germany, Turkey and Egypt and various chairs are vacant. It is also worth mentioned that all of the chairs are looked after by Cabinet Division with collaboration of HEC. They also talked about the criteria of assigning the scholarships to the suitable candidates on the position of the chairs abroad.
Minister of State proposed to give grant of Rs 2 billion to the public sector universities
Minister of State talked about the collaboration of HEC with different countries and said that the collaboration is being made with countries like Romania and Belarus in education and their expertise are keeping in the minds. Romania is good in providing education in agriculture and medicine and we need to learn these things from them. HEC has also shown its overall performance, and the human resource development and research and development are discussed in this meeting.
Minister of State has provided the grant of Rs. 2 billion to the public sector universities and these universities can create their own endowment funds. He further added that this grant would be increased by Rs 1 billion in every 10 years. The universities will use this grant for need based loans and assistance. When the students will get their jobs, they would pay back 10% of their annual salary to the concerned university and well known agency will be hired for taking assurance to return the money.
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